general questions for discussion the week of August 1-5
The interplay between localization, Fermi surface jumps, magnetic
fluctuations,and superconductivity in unconventional superconductors
*Assuming there is a jump in the Fermi
surface from p to 1+p as localized electron behavior ends, this should occur at finite temperature and, if so,
one should be able to use experiment to define a temperature/doping or
temperature/pressure line, TL, along which it occurs in the cuprates
and iron-based superconductors, as has proved possible for the 115 heavy
electron materials?
*For the two heavy electron materials that
have been studied in detail, Co115 and Rh 115, the proposed TL line
intersects the sc Tc dome at, or very near the doping/pressure at which
T_c is maximum. Does this happen for the cuprates or any of the iron-based
this to happen for the cuprates TL would begin at a doping level of
p~0.19 and cross Tc at a doping level of 0.16 or so. It would closely
resemble T*/3, where T* is the nearest neighbor
interaction between localized electrons, as determined from their fit to the 2d
Heisenberg model for localized spin behavior in their two-fluid model, that
enabled Barzykin and Pines to identify
T*/3 with the onset of pseudogap
*So if
to the right of T*/3, one had only itinerant electrons {I’ll have to check
but as best I recall this is not the case, one would
then have TL=T*/3.. Assuming the latter is not true, the T*/3
line could still mark one boundary for QC behavior with the other being a T_L
line, likewise beginning at p=0.19, but increasing with increasing doping, below
which one had Fermi liquid behavior. This possibility should be checked out.
*The fact
that T/”3 intersects Tc at, or very close
to, [Tc]max is, in any event, telling us something important about the
doping dependence of Tc in the cuprates.
*Another interesting question is why, for
the cuprates, a Fermi surface jump is not accompanied by a jump in Tc.
We have some ideas for why it is not for heavy electrons: does one find a
similar situation here?
*Would be great to have high magnetic field
Knight shift and spin-lattice relaxation rate measurements in the vicinity of
the QCP’s at 0.19 and 0.08 for the cuprates.
between the heavy d-electron behavior that was recently established in
Iron-based superconductors and the heavy f- electron behavior seen in the 115
heavy electron materials
Wu et al []
have discovered emergent Kondo lattice {KL} behavior in the iron based
AFe2As2 (A=K, Rb, Cs).Among
the questions this raises are:
*Do these then
resemble the f-electron 115 family, in that they possess a delocalization line,
TL,, that marks a transition
from localized to itinerant behavior and ends in a QCP?
*If so, does TL,
intersect TC in the vicinity of [TC]max
*Are there any
indications of emergent KL behavior in the other iron-based superconductors?
3. Charge
and spin ordering and glassy behavior in the underdoped cuprates
*Keimer and his collaborators {Haug et al,
New Journal of Physics 2010] assume that they are measuring incommensurate spin
density waves and incommensurate short range nematic spin order. But given the
argument [lack of any measurable leakage onto the O spin lattice relaxation
rate] in favor of discommensuration rather than incommensuration for the spin
density fluctuation spectrum, their result needs reinterpretation and one
should take a close look at the role played by the accompanying inhomogeneity
in other measurements.
*Is there any connection between the doping
dependence of discommensuration seen in the spin fluctuation spectrum and that
found by the Keimer group for either spin
nematic or sdw behavior?
*The presence of a CDW state that is not
accompanied by AF order tells us that the spins on the charge localized
electrons are not aligned. Question: is there any measurable change in the
uniform susceptibility on crossing the charge order line? Cannot be substantial
or it would have already been noted.
*When glassy behavior is observed, it is
obvious that it is accompanied by inhomogenous behavior, ie hole rich and hole
poor regions. But we argue above that inhomogeneous behavior is not confined to
regions in which glassy behavior has been clearly identified. Why is this the
*Can one pin down the temperature dependence of the doping dependent diverging qp mass? For heavy electrons near the delocalization QCP, it varies as ln T*/T as T* approaches zero at the QCP.
4. Hybridization
and hybridization gaps
There is now overwhelming evidence that the
hybridization of f-electron local moments with background conduction electrons
is collective and controlled by the interaction between nn local moments and
good reason to believe that this may be the case as well for the cuprates.
Inter alia, this means that the
hybridization gap is given by
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